Friday, October 22, 2010


So, I read through someone else's blog, and I thought that I would just do this as well. Seems pretty closurish.

Dear 13-year old Alicia-

You're 13, you've spent most of your life getting made fun of because of your red hair and your buck teeth but guess what you get those braces off and you are heading into high school soon. Your freshmen year is going to be full of new things, new adventures, new friends, and a whirlwind of hormones.

Try out for more sports, become more involved with student activities and don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Yes, you will try out for the softball team and you will make it. But don't be upset if you don't play as many games as you would like. It's all a learning process and they are just doing it so you understand the game more and can make yourself out there. Get to know more of the girls and don't judge them by the way that they dress, act or speak. They will grow up one day.

You will have a best-friend that you will try to tell not to do things, but learn from her. She is stubborn but don't try and change how she is because she will one day learn from her experiences. Stand up for yourself.

Realize that when you are a senior you will apply to many schools and you will get into all of them, but go with your gut, go where you want to go, not go somewhere just because it's more expensive then other places.

Make more friends, don't hang out with a boy just because he's good looking, save yourself for that right person.

You will make a beautiful mother and you will do great things with your life. Just use your head and your heart.

Love always-
Alicia-the 23 year old you-

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