Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Long Week-End

So, it's been a very interesting week-end to say the least. Last Thursday (01/21/10) I started having really really BAD right flank (back/side/kidney area) pain. It was horrible. I went to my OB on Friday (01/22/10) and she said that I just had a UTI and that I should take anti-biotics. Okay, cool, fine, whatever.
I then realized that the pain was NOT going away, Tylenol wouldn't help, NOTHING was helping. So, what I did was I went to the ER @ Regional Hospital and they took a urine sample and was just like ok well you have a bad infection, but if you get a fever or start vomiting come back in. Well, I came back and the pain just got worse and worse, I was able to fall asleep for maybe 3 hrs if that and it was very horrible sleep. I went back to the ER for a 2nd time they took a urine sample and it...get ready....SAT ON THE COUNTER. They did nothing with it. All they did was give me a Bactrim and some other pill that makes your urine orange. Well, after dealing with being sent away AGAIN I went to the best hospital ever UNION hospital and I was in the Labor&Delivery area and they stated that I needed to be admitted to them because I had a MAJOR infection and it needed to be delt with with IV fluids/anti-biotics. I spent Saturday-Today in the hospital. It was a long but very informational week-end. Found out that I had "hydro" in my kidney's which was fluid back-up that wasn't able to drain it properly, and there was so much inflammation that it was causing the problem in the first place. So, I was given a take-home anti-biotc and darvocet for pain. I feel very happy that I am home with my family. I missed them so much :).
This is the picture that I got from the US tech that shows that we are going to have a BABY BOY (literally lol it's a weenus (kris's words)) But we are so happy to be having a boy for Kris&Timmy :) (Timmy is especially excited I'm sure :))
My belly @ 20 weeks :)
They are trying to figure out what name is better fit Ezra Asher Hunter Angle or Ezra Asher Angle or Ezra Hunter Angle I prefer the longer name but that's just me :). I also am not the one naming them lol. but I did PicNik it to say:
Baby Ezra Asher Hunter Angle
20 Weeks

Friday, January 22, 2010

Halfway There

Baby "Ezra" Angle :) 20 weeks and 1 day (took the picture yesterday). Halfway there, halfway to being able to bless such amazing people with the greatest gift ever given. The gift of life, hope, and love. I'm getting big.....baby "Ezra" is deciding to move a lot more now and kick me whenever necessary. :)

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Giving Life......

I was on Facebook and a friend shared a link and when I opened up I just couldn't believe how STRONG and compassionate, and loving this woman is......watch...and btw I don't promise there won't be tears.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Winter WonderLand

Yesterday January 7th we woke up to a WINTER WONDERLAND....you think this could have happened...oh ya know..on CHRISTMAS DAY..but it didn't. But because I recently found out that I can't do any heavy lifting and things of that nature due to my Placenta Previa, Trent went with the kids sledding. I was a little sad I couldn't go and I did the typical mommy things. "Make sure they are bundled, make sure if they get cold you keep them warm, keep their hats on them at all times, etc" Trent finally just said "ENOUGH" lol "I know what I'm doing!" He makes me laugh sometimes I do get a little OVER PROTECTED...next time......THEY GET SCARVES. But it was super awesome to see the kids finally get to enjoy the snow.
We originally didn't think they'd be able to because my mom forgot to re-pack Kaelyns snow hat, boots, and her snow suit after they took her for a week. So, Trent went to Once Upon A Child (what a god send that place is) and he got 2 snow suits, a pair of boots (they didn't have any in Kaelyns size so she wore tennis shoes with A CRAP TON of socks lol), got them both hats, and got Ethyn some gloves :).
They weren't gone very long due to the massive winds that were taking over my children and the fact that Deming Park is the worst place to go on the "first snow". Super busy. But here are the pictures that Trent was able to get from their "day of play". :)
Ethyn wants to leave.....right now! haha
So beautiful...but look at those cheeks...poor kids!

1st time down the hill....Ethyn looks peeved....but Kaelyn looks sooooo HAPPY!